Balagan Box : Amsterdam Klezmer Band

A radio broadcast hosted by Laurence Haziza

BALAGAN BOX – March 10, 2007 – RADIO SHALOM (94.8 FM)

In the first part of the program, Laurence Haziza interviews by telephone the leader of the Amsterdam Klezmer Band. In the 2nd part of the program, she invites the jazz piano player Laurent Assoulene to talk about his concerts and actuality. We will hear music tunes such as Sadagora Hot Dub – Remixed by Shantel and Ludacris by Amsterdam Klezmer Band.

Laurence Haziza is a journalist, press agent and artistic director of the festival photo-4.jpgJazz’n’klezmer. Every saturday evenings from 2006 to 2013, she hosted on radio Shalom the show Balagan Box, called later Balagan Music.

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