Balagan Box : Boogie Balagan

A radio broadcast from Radio Shalom hosted by Laurence Haziza

Balagan Box – March 4, 2006, Radio Shalom (94,8)

Laurence Haziza invites the band Boogie Balagan, formed by two Israelis, Azri (guitar/vocals) and Gabri (guitar/vocals). Their music is a fusion of Western rock and Eastern sounds. They present their first album Lamentation Walloo, released in 2006 by the French music label Mon Slip.

Laurence Haziza is a journalist, press agent and artistic director of the festival photo-4.jpgJazz’n’klezmer. Every saturday evenings from 2006 to 2013, she hosted on radio Shalom the show Balagan Box, called later Balagan Musi.

Read an article in French about Boogie Balagan published in the French newspaper Le Monde

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