Musical Artists & Bands

Les Bubbey Mayse

(Yiddish, klezmer, France) Bubbey Mayse is the power of four women who express themselves. It is a committed music, an assumed writing, led by the strength of the collective …

Isabelle Durin

(Classical Music, France) Since the release of her CD "Romantisme Hébraïque" with Michaël Ertzscheid at the piano, she has performed in France, including the Museum of Art and History of Judaism, the Synagogue ULIF-Copernic, the Memorial of the Holocaust in Paris …

Meshouge Klezmer Band

(Klezmer, France) Around the theme of sweet madness, the musicians of MESHOUGE make you discover Klezmer music, around traditional songs or original compositions …

Minsker Kapelye

(United States, Belarus, Klezmer) Minsker Kapelye is a klezmer trio, a collaboration project of Dmitri Slepovitch, Hanna Kharchanka, and Tatsiana Kukel, three musicians with classical and traditional music background …

Klezmer Conservatory Band

(Klezmer, USA) A dominant voice in the world of klezmer music and Yiddish song for over thirty years, the Klezmer Conservatory Band (KCB) continues to fascinate audiences worldwide …

Cantor Raphaël Cohen

(France, Hazanout) After more than twenty years of career, Raphael Cohen remains a real enthusiast of the hazanout, and has contributed thanks to his long experience, to the discovery and the training of many talents …


(Montreal, Klezmer) Kleztory is a musical ensemble of klezmer and world music founded in 2000 …

Horse Raddish

(Paris, Electric Klezmer) Horse Raddish moves the roots of Klezmer music, taking care to stray along side roads where crunchy rock 'n' roll meets avant-garde and yet playful jazz …

Hélène Engel

(Montreal, Judeo-Spanish, Yiddish) Hélène is a singer, musicologist, songwriter, performer & arranger …

Gefilte Swing

(Klezmer-swing, Paris) Le Gefilte Swing c’est du swing, du jazz, du klezmer et des chansons yiddish, savamment dosés en un enivrant cocktail …

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