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Synagogal music from the 19th century : Emile Jonas and Jules Erlanger

MUSIQUES JUIVES D’HIER ET D’AUJOURD’HUI – DECEMBER 17, 2019, JUDAÏQUES FM (94.8), 21H00 Radio broadcast dedicated to the Hebrew compositions of Emile Jonas (1827-1905) and Jules Erlanger (1830-1895). With Jacobo Kaufmann, stage director, writer and researcher... …

Hidden Sides of Jewish Music : Israeli klezmer music

Hosted by Hélène Engel broadcasted on Radio SHALOM Montreal in 2018. Hélène Engel presents the CD "The Klezmer Tradition In The Land of Israel" which gathers music pieces from Moshe Berlin's repertoire, released in March 2018 and published by the research center of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. …

Oriental dance

A selection of lively Oriental music to dance …

Klezmer dances

A selection of klezmer music for dancing …

A family story : Isaac and Jacques Offenbach

MUSIQUES JUIVES D’HIER ET D’AUJOURD’HUI – NOVEMBER 19, 2019, JUDAÏQUES FM (94.8), 21H00 Hervé Roten invites Jacobo Kaufmann, stage director, writer and researcher, who will talk of his research on the life and work of Jacques Offenbach and his father Isaac, cantor in the synagogue of Cologne… …

Hidden sides of Jewish music : Françoise Atlan

Hosted by Hélène Engel, broadcasted on Radio SHALOM Montreal in 2014. In this broadcast, Hélène Engel presents the CD "Andalussiyat" by the singer Françoise Atlan, released in 2001. …

Hidden Sides of Jewish Music : Dub and Hip-Hop music

Hosted by Hélène Engel, broadcasted on Radio SHALOM Montreal in 2012. This program features 2 CD that use contemporary forms and techniques: Dub and Hip Hop, in their Jewish expression. …

Hervé Roten, invited by Lise Gutmann in radio program La Matinale

La Matinale hosted by Lise Gutmann on Judaïques FM (94.8), broadcasted on October 29, 2019. Hervé Roten, guest, presents the CD newly released and the Gala Concert of the EIJM : Jacques Offenbach and friends …

Enchanted Jewish Culture : Jews from India

Program hosted by Hélène Engel, broadcasted on Radio CJRS Montreal in 2017, dedicated to the Jews from India, with musical excerpts from the album of the Bnei Israel of Bombay "Eliahou Hanabi" …

The Hebrew works of Fromental Halévy and Giacomo Meyerbeer

MUSIQUES JUIVES D’HIER ET D’AUJOURD’HUI – OCTOBER 22, 2019, JUDAÏQUES FM (94.8), 21H00 Broadcast dedicated to the Hebrew works of two of the best opera composers of the 19th century : Fromental Halévy and Giacomo Meyerbeer. With the participation of Hector Sabo, musicologist, choirmaster of the Polyphonies hébraïques and of the vocal ensemble La Truite Lyrique …

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Akh, nit gut!

At the turn of the 20th century, folk music inspired many composers. These included Joel Engel (1868-1927) and Dmitri Shostakovich…

Leopold Kleinman-Kozłowski (1918-2019) – The last klezmer of Galicia

This article by Polish musicologist Sylwia Jakubczyk-Ślęczka introduces us to the life and work of Leopold Kleinman-Kozłowski (1918-2019), one of…

Histoires de voix hébraïques

Following his first book, Voix hébraïques - Voyage dans la musique juive d'Occident, published in 2020, Hector Sabo offers in…