Laure Schnapper's Programs

Classique vous avez dit classique : two broadcasts dedicated to Jacques Offenbach

Hosted by Laure Schnapper dedicated to Offenbach, with the historian Jean-Claude Yon, for the release of his last book "M. Offenbach nous écrit" published by Actes Sud. …

Classique vous avez dit classique : Isaac Strauss

Hosted by Laure Schnapper, with Marc-Antoine Pingeon and Cédric Kleinklaus, broadcasted on Judaïques FM (94,8) on November 7, 2018 …

Classique vous avez dit classique : Ariane Matiakh, conductor, for her new CD ” Concertos for piano by Zara Levina”

Hosted by Laure Schnapper, dedicated to Ariane Matiakh, conductor, for the release of her new CD " Concertos for piano by Zara Levina" , and broadcasted on Judaïques FM (94,8) on March 15, 2017 …

Classique vous avez dit classique : Martin Barral and the orchestra from Orsay

Hosted by Laure Schnapper, dedicated to Martin Barral and the orchestra of Orsay's Campus and broadcasted on Judaïques FM (94,8) on March 1, 2017 …

Classique vous avez dit classique : Emile Waldteufel

Hosted by Laure Schnapper, dedicated to Emile Waldteufel and broadcasted on Judaïques FM (94,8) on January 4, 2017 …

Classique vous avez dit classique : Jacques Offenbach

Hosted by Laure Schnapper, dedicated to Jacques Offenbach and broadcasted on Judaïques FM (94,8) on November 9, 2016 …

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