
Jewish music and cuisine

A musical and gastronomic conference by Hervé Roten, director of the European Institute of Jewish Music …

Les enfants de l’espérance, a score by Graciane Finzi

This original score was composed for the YWAM-Copernic Talmud Torah Children's Choir, directed by conductor Mélanie Levy-Thiébaut. Graciane Finzi composed the music and Rabbi Philippe Haddad the lyrics …

Cantata Shma Kolenu by Itaï Daniel, finally available on score!

The European Institute of Jewish Music publishes the Cantata Shma Kolenu, a major work by ltaï Daniel, for 4-part choir, solo baritone, clarinet in A and string trio …

Release of six new scores by Serge Kaufmann

The European Institute of Jewish Music publishes six new compositions by Serge Kaufmann, including Kaddish for solo cello and Parade Klezmer for wind orchestra, percussion and double bass …

Ashkenazi music in France, at concerts or in synagogue

The colloquium will take place over two days, during which some twenty singers, musicians, performers, choirmasters and musicologists will discuss their practice of Ashkenazi music, whether secular (Yiddish song, klezmer...) or religious (consistorial, liberal, hassidic rites...). Each of these two days will conclude with an exceptional concert to illustrate their point …


Hervé Roten, guest on Radio Shalom with Sandrine Szwarc, in her program Du Côté de chez Szwarc, passionately presents the missions and activities of the European Institute of Jewish Music. A program not to be missed! …

The Darius Milhaud triptych

Saturday, June 29, 2024, 6:30 p.m. - Salle du Moulin Saint-Julien, Cavaillon (84300), an evening event celebrating the 50th anniversary of the death of composer Darius Milhaud, a descendant of Jews from the Comtat Venaissin, organized by the association "Les amis de la synagogue de Cavaillon" …

From the Carpathians to the Balkans – A musical escapade from West to East by Kalarash & Guests

June 16, 2024, 6pm, Espace Rachi (Paris 5e), Concert FROM THE CARPATES TO THE BALKANS - A musical escapade from West to East by the duo Kalarash & guests, organized by IEMJ & FSJU as part of the "Paroles en fête" day at the FESTIVAL DES CULTURES JUIVES #19. …

Klezmer ball workshop by the Kalarash group

June 16, 2024, 11am to 1pm at Espace Rachi (Paris 5e), Klezmer Ball workshop by the group Kalarash, proposed by the IEMJ, the FSJU & Yiddish sans Frontière, as part of FESTIVAL DES CULTURES JUIVES #19 …

Release of 4 new choral and instrumental scores by Itai Daniel

Itaï Daniel's compositions are deeply inspired by Judaism and its music. Discover four new scores by this composer: a medley of the main Hanukkah melodies, a Grand Kaddish, a cantata on the biblical text of Cain and Abel, and the poignant sonata for transverse flute …

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Following his first book, Voix hébraïques - Voyage dans la musique juive d'Occident, published in 2020, Hector Sabo offers in…

The songbooks of Jewish youth movements

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The Alliance Israélite Universelle (AIU) collection

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