Judeo-Spanish from the Balkans – Series 12

This CD/DVD boxset, including a richly documented booklet, gathers historic Judeo-Spanish recordings from the Balkans. …


CD released in 2019 for the 50th anniversary of the death of Itzik Manger. With Ruth Levin on vocals, ans Alexei Belousov on the guitar and arrangements …

Giacomo Meyerbeer – Hallelujah – The Choral Works

Released in 2016, in Germany, this album features in particular a unique recording of "Hallelujah" by Giacomo Meyerbeer, never published before …

Klez N’Zazou

Released in 2019, this new album by the Parisian band Gefilte Swing gives us a tasty mixture of klezmer and swing jazz of course, but also with notes of French song and even rock and reggae! …

3 CD’s of the band Ventanas, with Tamar Ilana

3 albums of the band Ventanas, world music ensemble based in Toronto, led by Tamar Ilana …

OVES – Resonance of the Past

Released in May 2019 at Pike’s Nice Records, the CD OVES – Resonance of the Past presents misknowned Yiddish songs, as well as musical fragments from wax-cylinder recordings …

La Chorale le Chant Sacré

This 2nd CD from the choir Le Chant Sacré (The Sacred Song) was recorded for a concert that took place in the Synagogue of Obernai, in November 2012. One can hear on it tunes for Shabbat, the High Holidays (Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur) and the Three Pilgrimage Festivals, among which Shavuot… …

The Liturgy of Beta Israel – Music of the Ethiopian Jewish Prayer

A 3 CD boxset to discover the religious music of Ethiopian Jews. The booklet, written by Simha Arom, Frank Alvarez-Pereyre, Shoshana Ben-Dor and Olivier Tourny, offer us historical, religious and musicological analysis of the music of the Beta Israel …

Cantor Haim Ischakis

Released in 2018 by the Europäische Zentrum für Jüdische Musik (EZJM) in Hanover, this 4 CD boxset offers a wide musical panorama of the liturgical tradition of Romaniote Jews from Greece …

Shimmering Lights – Hanukkah Music

Released in October 2018 in the United Kingdom, Shimmering Lights - Hanukkah Music, performed by Yale Strom's Broken Consort, is a beautiful compilation of songs and melodies celebrating children's favorite holiday, Hanukkah …

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Hervé Roten, guest on Radio Shalom with Sandrine Szwarc, in her program Du Côté de chez Szwarc, passionately presents the…

Darius Milhaud and his works inspired by Jewish tradition

Born into an old Jewish family from the Comtat Venaissin, Darius Milhaud (1892-1974) is the author of a prolific output…

The Darius Milhaud triptych

Saturday, June 29, 2024, 6:30 p.m. - Salle du Moulin Saint-Julien, Cavaillon (84300), an evening event celebrating the 50th anniversary…