The Collections

Giorgio e Gino, Canti di memoria e di speranza

Released in 2008, this CD gathers songs of resistance and memory of the Holocaust, performed in Italian by the singer and guitarist Piero Nissim, and is now part of our collections …

D’Edirne à Paris

Concert of Sefardi songs, recorded in April 2014, performed by Stella Gutman, with Jean-Lou Descamps and Olivier Marcaud, on sale on the EIJM's online shop …

Vienna – Paris – Hollywood

Published by the music label La Musica the 22nd of Septembre 2017, Isabelle Georges singing and Jeff Cohen on the piano give us a beautiful album, that travels from classical music to music from the theatres, passing by cabaret …

The 78 RPM picture discs by Ben Baruch

Among all our 78 RPM discs, discover these painted records which are real masterpieces …

Songs and Prayers of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kipour

Release of a CD that puts together the traditional melodies of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kipour sung by Hélène Blajan accompanied by a man’s choral led by Maurice Benhamou …

The Undying Flame

A collection 110 songs in 16 different languages, written during World War II, joined with a CD, now available for consultation at the EIJM …

Le rêve du monde (The dream of the world)

Issued in 2010 by INA Mémoire Vive, this CD dedicated to composer and performer Olivier Greif is part now of the EIJM's collections. …

The Sillamy Collection

A collection of very rare discs, field recordings, press clips, books and photographies …

Trésors du cinéma yiddish [Treasures of Yiddish cinema]

4 emblematic films of Yiddish cinema, made mainly in Poland, Russia and the USA between 1930 and 1950. More than 10 hours of stories and Yiddish music, often unpublished …

Sofia Falkovitch Cantor

For the first time in France, Jewish sacred music is sung by a female cantor accompanied by a chamber orchestra. The primary aim of the artist Sofia Falkovitch is to pass on and share her love for these musical treasures inherited from previous generations. …

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