The Collections

Verdun, feuillets de guerre (war leaves)

Françoise Masset and Anne Le Bozec play musical works often unpublished by composers of the 1st world war …

Songs and Piyutim in honor of Tsaddik Sidna Baba Salé

The best Jewish singers from Morrocco, among them Samy Elmaghribi, Cheikh Mouizo or Maxime Michali, sing in honor of Rabbi Israel Abuhatzeira, aka Baba Salé …


A new album with 9 songs, that mixes traditional music with jazz. Yemenite piyutim, Moroccan songs, Sephardi’s songs …

In Love and in Struggle

The musical heritage of the Jewish Labor Bund, in 17 songs, sang by Zalmen Mlotek, Adrienne Cooper, Dan Rous, the New Yiddish Chorale and the Workmen’s Circle Chorus …

Miriam’s Song

This is an album that pays tribute to Jewish women composers. In the 19th century, being a Jewish woman was a double obstacle for musicians and composers, who had to live with an anti-Semitic environment, as well as a strict distribution of roles between men and woman in the Jewish society …

Je Chante! Magazine

The latest issue of the magazine Je Chante ! la revue de la chanson française has published an important file on the French-Arab song repertoire, with interviews and articles on Enrico Macias, Line Monty, Blond-Blond, Maurice El Médioni, Salim Hallali, José de Suza, Lili Boniche …

Jewish Prayer

Compilation of musical scores for cello (or viola) and organ with works from Max Bruch, Joseph Sulzer, Fernand Halphen, Louis Lewandowki …

Erransa 1 and 2, Sandra Hurtado-Ròs

With an expressionist and colourful performance, Sandra Hurtado-Ròs sings the troubadour's cansos and sefardi songs …

Matrouz – Artistic creation – Music, languages, theater

Instinctively reconnecting with the Judeo-Arabic cultural heritage linked to the Hebrew, Muslim and Christian melting pot of multicultural Andalusia, Simon Elbaz was inspired by Matrouz - in Arabic, that which is embroidered - to create a new art form where languages, music and theater are intertwined …

German-Jewish Organ Music

The Jewish Reform movement of the 19th century revolutionized synagogue music, among other things with the introduction of the organ, which marked a new musical and religious identity. A new repertoire for solo organ emerged in the Jewish diaspora of Central Europe …

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The Darius Milhaud triptych

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