The Collections

L’enfer aussi a son orchestre

Book in French. Comes with a CD. An unknown aspect of the history of the music created in the concentration camps. …

Sound of Prayer

Recording of the selichot of Rosh Hashanah performed by the choir of the great synagogue of Jerusalem and the cantor Naftali Herstik, conducted by Elli Jaffe …

David (Dudu) Fisher – In God’s name

First album of cantorial art by Israeli singer and hazzan Dudu Fisher …

Klezmer Über Alles!

It is not often that we see a new CD of klezmer music from Kiev in Ukraine. So when Pushkin Klezmer Band relases its first album Klezmer Über Alles, first album of Jewish music to be recorded in Ukraine in many years, evidently, it rocks! …

The disc collection from the French radio RCJ

Deposited in 2014 at the European Institute of Jewish Music, the disc collection of the French Jewish radio RCJ gathers over a thousand documents, mainly 33 RPM discs, from Israeli variety to great works of cantorial art …

Nor A Moll

With Caroline Kulcsar (vocals), Lionel Jacubowiez (clarinets), Marc Hanna (guitar) and Bess Fang (cello), Calima Jazz offers us its new CD Nor a moll which mixes Yiddish melodies and jazz …

Thadé Geisler Wyganowski: Pieces for Violin, Two Violins, Violin and Piano

Music pieces for violin, two violins and piano from the Jewish composer and violinist of polish origin Thadé Geisler Wyganowski (1913-1989) …

Thadé, une longue histoire d’amour…

Biography of Thadé, Jewish violonist native of Poland …

Klezmer’s Afterlife: An Ethnography of the Jewish Music Revival in Poland and Germany

Klezmer in Europe has been a controversial topic ever since this traditional Jewish wedding music made it to the concert halls and discos of Berlin, Warsaw, Budapest and Prague. Played mostly by non-Jews and for non-Jews, it was hailed as "fakelore," "Jewish Disneyland" and even "cultural necrophilia." …

Ignaz Moscheles and the Changing World of Musical Europe

The first full-length study devoted to Ignaz Moscheles (1794-1870), pianist, conductor and composer …

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Hervé Roten, guest on Radio Shalom with Sandrine Szwarc, in her program Du Côté de chez Szwarc, passionately presents the…

Darius Milhaud and his works inspired by Jewish tradition

Born into an old Jewish family from the Comtat Venaissin, Darius Milhaud (1892-1974) is the author of a prolific output…

The Darius Milhaud triptych

Saturday, June 29, 2024, 6:30 p.m. - Salle du Moulin Saint-Julien, Cavaillon (84300), an evening event celebrating the 50th anniversary…