Copernic's fund

Concert : The Petit Mish-Mash

Watch excerpts from the concert of the Petit Mish-Mash, which took place the 9th of December 2018, at the Synagogue of l’ULIF- Copernic. …

Concert : Five years with Itaï Daniel

Watch several excerpts of the cantata Machzor Chayim by Itaï Daniel, performed by the Choral Copernic Ensemble, which took place on June 15th, 2014, at the Copernic-ULIF Synagogue in Paris, …


The Copernic collection gathers the videos of the "concert season", organised by the Copernic synagogue, since 2008. This collection has been deposited by Bruno Fraitag, Vice-President of ULIF-Copernic, then Vice-President of JEM Culture …

Concert : Around Rossi and Rossini

Watch several excerpts of the concert : Around Rossi and Rossini by the Ensemble Choral Copernic, which took place on January 28th 2018, at the Synagogue Copernic in Paris. The …

Concert : The Slavic Soul in Copernic

Watch several excerpts of the concert : The Slavic Soul in Copernic, which took place on March 18th 2018, in the Synagogue Copernic This concert was dedicated to Odessa and …

Kol Nidre

Watch the lectures by Delphine Horvilleur and Hervé Roten about the meaning of the Kol Nidre prayer and its music, as well as an excerpt of the concert, performed on …

2012 Passover Concert in Copernic’s synagogue

Watch excerpts of the Passover concert which took place in 2012 in ULIF-Copernic’s synagogue (Paris). With the Ensemble Choral Copernic conducted by par Itaï Daniel, Isabelle Durin (violin), Martine Bailly …

Chanukah is coming soon – Concert

Watch excerpts from the Chanukah concert which took place on December 7, 2014, in the Copernic Synagogue in Paris. You will hear the Ensemble Choral Copernic perform the Overture of …