Hidden sides of Jewish music : Judeo-Spanish songs by Jessica Roda

A radio Show broadcasted on Radio SHALOM Montreal, hosted by Hélène Engel

Les faces cachées de la musique juive – 2014, Radio SHALOM Montréal (1650 AM)

Hélène Engel invites Jessica Roda, PhD in ethnomusicology and anthropology of music to talk about the field of her interest, Judeo-Spanish songs.
Jessica Roda will first talk about the history of this music and its practice, and we will then hear by which means this repertoire continues to grow nowadays.

h._engel_10mm.jpgHélène Engel is a singer, musicologist, author, composer and arranger. She is interested in all aspects of Jewish music, from the collecting of historical sounds to today’s compositions. Based in Montreal, she hosts the radio show ” The hidden sides of Jewish Music” on Radio SHALOM Montreal.

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