Jacques Arnold, a life serving chazanut


Born in 1946 in Paris, the cantor and honorary rabbi Jacques Arnold retraces in this video the story of his life, from his studies at the Yavné school, his integration in 1963 in the Liturgy-Pedagogy section of the Séminaire Israélite de France where he followed the courses of Léon Algazi, Alberto Hemsi, Roland Mossé, Adolphe Attia, Shalom Berlinski, his involvement in the communities of La Varenne, Bayonne, La Victoire and the oratory of the retirement home of the Fondation de Rothschild – rue de Picpus in Paris where he led services for 36 years.retraces in this video the story of his life, from his studies at the Yavné school, his integration in 1963 in the Liturgy-Pedagogy section of the Séminaire Israélite de France where he followed the courses of Léon Algazi, Alberto Hemsi, Roland Mossé, Adolphe Attia, Shalom Berlinski, his involvement in the communities of La Varenne, Bayonne, La Victoire and the oratory of the retirement home of the Fondation de Rothschild – rue de Picpus in Paris where he led services for 36 years.

A rare and fascinating testimony of a life serving chazanut!

Learn more about Jacques Arnold and listen to his radio programmes on the EIJM website

Listen to Jacques Arnold’s lecture on the role of the cantor in synagogue worship

Browse the archive (audio recordings, scores, etc.) deposited by Jacques Arnold at the EIJM


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