Words, stories, screams from characters of a play by the Yiddish writer I.L. Peretz “At Night in the Old Marketplace “.
The Glik orchestra is dedicated to klezmer music in all its diversity. It reclaims this repertoire, which originated in the old Jewish villages of Eastern Europe. And it is by giving voice to the Yiddish language, melancholic accents to the violin, frenetic flights of fancy to the clarinet, and obstinate humming to the orchestra, that the five musicians offer their generous vision of klezmer.
Glik literaly means “happyness, good fortune”, in Yiddish. It is under this name (or the less known one, the Dovid’s Klezmer Orkester) that the five musicians of this band (David Brossier, Sylvestre Genniaux, Pierre-Alexis Lavergne, Vincent Périer and David Lefèbvre) share, with the violin, the clarinet, the doublebass, the trombone, the buzuki and the tsimbl, « klezmer » music.
Learn more about the band Glik