Line Monty, the diva of Oriental songs

The greatest hits of Line Monty

Born in Algiers in 1926, Line Monty – whose real name was Éliane Serfati -settled in Paris in 1950 and recorded several 78 RPM discs with Pathé Marconi music label in Arabic, before starting singing French songs.

One of her first hits is called L’Orientale, a song written by Youssef Hagège, which will be sung 10 years after by Enrico Macias.

Youssef Hagège, one of her favourite songwriters (L’OrientalYa Oummi) said about her : « Line was a diva ! Always in a state of grace ! Her feline voice took our hearts, elevated our souls and her beauty left us breathless. »

She passed away in August 2003, at the age of 77.

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