Study and application handbook of the Hebrew liturgy in the Sephardi-Portuguese ritual

Recorded and gathered by Gilbert Léon

Fine connoisseur and faithful pillar of the Portuguese ritual of Bordeaux, Gilbert Léon devoted years of work to the elaboration of the present “Manual study and application of the Hebrew liturgy in the Sephardi-Portuguese ritual”.
This book, unique in its kind, is accompanied by 65 CDs of recordings of all the religious services in Portuguese ritual, made by Gilbert Léon.

This monumental work is divided into three major parts. The first part is dedicated to the history of Biblical accents (tahamim) and how to frame them when reading the Torah. The second part describes the cantillation of poetic books: Psalms, Proverbs, Job … Finally, the third part presents the different services of the liturgical year, their prayers and their tunes in the Portuguese ritual.

In addition to the recordings to memorize each prayer, the manual contains a set of scores, including: the entirety of the Hebrew collection of traditional and liturgical songs of the Portuguese sefardi ritual used in the community of Bordeaux, by Mr. Salomon Foy ” , three religious songs (Achquibenou, Ymlorh and Song of Feast), also by Salomon Foy, printed in 1917 and performed in the Israelite Temple of Bordeaux, nine religious songs noted by A. Nunes in the late 19th century, A Lérhha dodi of the liturgical collection of Alphonse de Villers (1872), organist at the Portuguese Temple of the rue Lamartine in Paris, and finally extracts from the preface and the collection Traditional Hebrew Songs of Maurice Benharoche-Baralia, published in Bayonne in 1958.

A fundamental book for all those who want to learn or deepen their knowledge of the Portuguese ritual …

Look at the description of Study Handbook by Gilbert Léon on the online catalog RACHEL
Look at the description of the 65 CD on the online catalog RACHEL
Read a biography of Gilbert Léon

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