Extravagent and virtuoso clarinet player
Dedicated to the music of the Clarinet player Naftule Brandwein
Also known as Naphtula or Naftuly, Naftule Brandwein was a Polish Jewish clarinettist of klezmer music.
He was known not only for his clarinet virtuosity, but also for his impetuous and boundless life. He performed extravagant productions such as wearing a neon sign that showed “The Naftule Brandwein Orchestra” or even in Uncle Sam’s costume with bright Christmas garlands, with which he almost electrocuted himself.
Many of Brandwein’s compositions have become standards and source of inspiration in the klezmer music world. Since the revival of klezmer in the 1970s, the new generation of klezmorim revives the works of Naftule Brandwein.