
The CFMJ at the Festival of Jewish Culture in Paris

Conferences, round table and concerts : find all the events co-organized by the CFMJ at the Festival of Jewish Culture in Paris, on June 29 and 30 2011. Wednesday June …

The interculturality in Jewish music

A filmed lecture by Hervé Roten, ethnomusicologist, director of the EIJM (called at the time French Center of Jewish Music) …

Music in the Jewish community of Palestine 1880 – 1948 – A Social History

The thrilling story of a small community of immigrants and refugees who succeeded in establishing a musical life internationally renowned with the background of two world wars. A balance between a European heritage and an Eastern inspiration …

Salamone Rossi – Jewish musician in late renaissance Mantua

The life and work of Salamone Rossi, Jewish composer from the 17th century who lived in the court of Duke Gonzague of Mantua …

Judeo-Provencal music – The musical traditions of old Jewish communities from the Comtat Venaissin

MUSIQUES JUIVES D’HIER ET D’AUJOURD’HUI – TUESDAY MAY 10, 2011, JUDAIQUE FM, 21h05. Testimonies about the ancient music of Provencal Jews, with the historian Carol Iancu, the ethnomusicologist Hervé Roten and the musician Alain Huet, creator of the Judeo-Provencal band Nekouda …

Symphonie Juive

This work by Lionel Stoléru and Francine Aubin, performed by the l'Orchestre romantique européen, under the direction of the composer, features in a classical form the great themes of French Ashkenazi, Sefardi and Comtadine synagogal religious music …

Speak with Ghosts

The latest CD of the Anakronic Electro Orkestra, produced by the music labels Balagan Box and Jumu, offer an original fusion of klezmer and electronic music …

Nekouda – Musique judéo-provençale

Music and songs from the ancient communities of Provence performed by the Ensemble Nekouda …

A musical journey between Two Worlds

A surprising wedding between ancient music texts from the Psalms. The tenor singer Nissim Baroukh takes un into an imaginary journey towards this magical garden where baroque music meets the Biblical speech …

Harmonia Jewish Soul

Klezmer music, Chasidic music and the Psalms blend along with vocals, violin and clarinet in a joyous and dynamic atmosphere from the Shtetl …