
Haven yakir li

Featuring: Hazanut, contemporary Israeli music and Psalms for vocals and piano …

La roza enflorese – Sekretos de mi alma

This CD Sekretos de mi alma is the third album of Judeo-Spanish songs by the band La Roza Enflorese created in 2000 by the singer Edith Saint-Mard and the flutist Bernard Mouton to perform the Sefardi repertoire …

Simon Laks – tribute

With this CD tribute to Simon Laks (1901-1983), the music label EDA continues its musical exploration of works from composers killed, deported, or who survived the Holocaust. Discover 4 beautiful pieces written between 1935 and 1949 …


A musical overview of music from the Meditterranean sea, where Sefardi lullabies and melodies collected in Italy mix with troubadours’ songs, lauds to the Virgin, and estampies of the trecento …


Children opera by Hans Krasà, in Czech, created in Prague under the nazi occupation, and performed again in sadly known Terezin camp …


The CFMJ (now called European Institute of Jewish Music) organized on January 17, 2011, a day of training for music teachers of Paris. This day allowed to present a wide …

Across Boundaries: Discovering Russia 1910–1940 – Vol.2: The New Jewish School

An overveiw of new Jewish music in Russia in the beginning of the 20th century, performed by the pianist Jascha Nemtsov. Works by Lazare Saminsky, Alexander Weprik and Joseph Achron …


Album featuring Sephardi music from the Balkans, recorded by the band Shira u’tfila, on June 25, 2006, for the 80th anniversary of the Sukkat Shalom synagogue in Belgrade …

Marcel Goldmann, composer

This CD features a retrospective of the works by the French-Israeli composer Marcel Goldmann, with pieces written between 1967 and 1993 for various instrumental …

Maayan – De l’Andalousie à l’Orient… Le chant des femmes sépharades

The singer Naïma Chemoul explores her origins, those from Sephardi women. Accompanied by Samir Hammouch on the qanun, and Bonaventure Akoto on the percussions, she sings their words, their language, their daily duties …