
Shalom Berlinski – The voice of fervor

A rare and beautiful anthology of the French Ashkenazi liturgy sung by Shalom Berlinski, cantor at the Synagogue de la Victoire (Paris) from 1948 to 1979, with Jean Bonfils (organ/piano), the Colonne Orchestra and a mixed choir of 32 singers …

Judeo-French music from the 18th and 19th century

This CD, performed by the cantor Adolphe Attia, accompanied by Mag Tayar (harpsichord, piano) and a choir directed by Michel Podolak, offers us an overview of the liturgical traditions of the Comtadins, the Portuguese and the Ashkenazim in France in the 18th and 19th centuries …

Music from the synagogue of Bordeaux – Portuguese Rite

Recording of the concert of October 14, 2002 at the Great Synagogue of Bordeaux, to celebrate the 120th anniversary of its construction, with the main tunes of the Portuguese liturgy, performed by Adolphe Attia, Malkiel Benamara, Léon Cohen and Didier Kassabi, accompanied by Mag Tayar, organist of the Great Synagogue of Marseille …

Kol Nidré concert and lecture (Paris)

November 18 and 22, 2009 at ULIF-Copernic, concerts and conference organized by CFMJ (now IEMJ) and the 4 liberal communities of Paris (ULIF, MJLF, CJL, KG) …

Tribute Concert to Jacques Grober

September 23, 2008, in the Salle Cortot in Paris, CD release concert Jacques Grober - Chansons yiddish d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, 7th CD in the collection MHJF …