
Romance in E major for cello and piano

The EIJM is pleased to announce the release of an original musical score by the composer Fernand Halphen, the Romance in E major for cello and piano …

Sirba Orchestra !

A collection of the best loved melodies of Cabaret Tzigane and klezmer music, Sirba Orchestra ! is a collaboration between the Sirba Octet, a full symphony orchestra and one of the best balalaika players, Nicolas Kedroff …

Ruth Rubin Legacy

Over 2,500 field recordings of Yiddish folksongs. You can search by title, performer, genre …

La discothèque idéale de l’amateur éclairé de musiques juives : Yiddish craddle songs

In this program Hélène Engel lets us hear Jewish craddle songs taken from the album Yiddish Lullabies. …

Judeo-Spanish music : reappropriation and staging

MUSIQUES JUIVES D’HIER ET D’AUJOURD’HUI - MAY 8, 2018, JUDAÏQUES FM (94.8), 21H00. A radio broadcast dedicated to the reappropriation and staging of the Judeo-Spanish music of today. With François Azar (Aki Estamos), Xenia d’Ambrosio and José Canalès (Los Bilbilikos) …

Ventanas altas de Saloniki

This double CD, published in 2013 by the university of Haifa, gathers 36 songs that come from the traditional and modern repertoires of the Jews from Salonica. Available in the EIJM's online shop

Training session to the Ladino repertoire

From May 14 to 18, 2018, the Judeo-Spanish association Aki Estamos organizes a training session to the Ladino repertoire at the Medem Center in Paris (75010). This workshop, led by Susana Weich-Shahak, will be closed on Saturday evening, May 19, 2018 at 19:30, with a concert by Kobi Zarco accompanied with participants from the training, at the Péniche Anako

Naftule Brandwein

Dedicated to the music of the Clarinet player Naftule Brandwein …

Practical Information

Practical information: Operating hours: The European Institute of Jewish Music is open from Monday to Thursday, from 10 am to 1 pm, and from 2 to 5 pm with prior …

Enchanted Jewish Culture : The Yemenite Jews

Hélène Engel makes us discover the history of the Jews from Yemen through their music. …