
OREL Foundation

(California, USA) Website dedicated to the musical treasures suppressed during the third Reich by the Nazis. Articles, biographies, videos, conferences …

Musique klezmer & co

(France) Website dedicated to Klezmer music: musicians from around the world, links to free scores and databases, concerts, international events, music online …


(USA) Website dedicated to klezmer music, with a lot of information about klezmer bands, articles on CD's, and many links. Website not updated …

Confluence{s} : the encounter of Jewish and French melodies

MUSIQUES JUIVES D’HIER ET D’AUJOURD’HUI – DECEMBER 19, 2017, JUDAÏQUES FM (94.8), 21H05. At the beginning of the 20th century, the encounter between French melody and Jewish music, whether popular or religious, produced works of rare intensity: Ravel and his Kaddish, but also Darius Milhaud and his Jewish poems, Paul Martineau and his Quatre mélodies hébraïques or Elsa Barraine and her Quatre chants juifs …

The Piyut and Tefillah Website

(Jerusalem, Israel) A very comprehensive site offering thousands of poems, Jewish prayers and cantillations in the many Jewish traditions, with audio, text and sometimes sheet music …

Comptines du jardin d’Eden

A beautiful book-disc, published in 2005 by Editions Didier Jeunesse, gathering childrens' songs and lullabies in Hebrew, Arabic, Yiddish, and Judeo-Spanish, now available for consultation at the EIJM. …

Liturgical Music of Shaar Hashamayim

(London, United Kingdom) Recorded archives of the Spanish & Portuguese liturgical ritual …

Aki estamos

(Paris, France) Judeo-Spanish culture and music. Some online music videos, and many information and resources online …

JEM (Judaïsme en Mouvement)

(Paris, France) - Every year, Copernic organises a high-quality concert season. Several excerpts from the concerts held in the synagogue, all directly or indirectly related to Judaism (liturgical music, Jewish composers or performers, works inspired by the Bible...) are proposed and available on the website …

Pro Musica Hebraica

(Washington D.C., USA) Classical and Art Jewish music to listen online, feature articles, biographies of composers …