Support the EIJM

The EIJM is a resource and documentation center, the only one in Europe specifically dedicated to Jewish music.

The EIJM’s collections are available on line, and count as up today over 80.000 audio files, 380.000 pages of music scores and thousands of pictures, videos, posters and various archives.

More than 4.000 documents are waiting to get digitized, this is why we ask for your help.

don_avant_le_31_decembre_redim38_.jpgCost to digitize and make available :

▪ 25 photos ▬► 100 €
▪ 20 discs ▬► 200 €
▪ 20 magnetic tapes ▬► 500 €
▪ 20 volumes of manuscript music sheets – – – – ▬► 1.000 €

You can : either make an online donation (secured payment) logo_faire_un_don.jpg either with a bank check addressed to IEMJ – 29 rue Marcel Duchamp – 75013 Paris, by downloading the donation form beneath Télécharger le formulaire de don (au titre de l’IR) A 50 € and over donation gives you access to an income tax reduction of 66 % of the amount of the donation (if you are subject to french tax system)

Contact and Information Jacqueline Roten tel : (+33 1 45 82 20 52) Mail :

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