The Chasidic Shabbat songs

A selection of Shabbat songs from various Chasidic dynasties (Gur, Loubavitch, Bratslav…) and more contemporary interpretations by Shlomo Carlebach, Mordechai Ben David, Avraham Fried or Yaakov Shwekey

The Shabbat, the day of rest, is a very important event of Jewish life. And the songs that rhythm this particular day hold a major place, at the synagogue with the five services from Kabbalat shabbat to Motsei shabbat, as well as at home with the rituals of lighting the candles, the Friday night Kiddush (blessing of the wine), the Birkat hamazone (prayers at the end of a meal), or the Havdala (last Kiddush which closes Shabbat).It is also a custom to sing, during the four Shabbat meals, several religious poems called Zemirot (or Tish nigunim by the Chasidim).

The Shabbat allows thus to find our inner route by the means of our outer voice.

The following playlist features a selection of Shabbat prayers and nigunim (tunes), coming from all over the world where there are or were Chasidic communities, since its creation in Podolia in the middle of the 18th century by Israël ben Eliezer Baal Chem Tov. Intended for everyone, the Chasidic melodies are generally easy to memorize, like in this playlist which gathers traditional tunes from various Chasidic dynasties (Gur, Loubavitch, Bratslav…) along with more contemporary interpretations by Shlomo Carlebach, Mordechai Ben David, Avraham Fried or Yaakov Shwekey

Read the article about Shabbat songs
Read the article on Chasidism and its music
Learn more on the subject and listen to other Chasidic music


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