The British Library, Londres, 14th to 16th of January 2018
Throughout the 20th century, various events and displacements of population have largely affected the musical, theatrical and literary creation of Jewish artists. Many of the works of this period have disappeared or remained until quite recently dormant in various abandoned archives.
“Performing the Jewish Archive” is engaged in projects which aim to stimulate the creation of new works so as to revive the archives of the past and develop them.
By treating archival elements as components of a non-hierarchical, non-linear system, the intention is to destabilize the relationship between past, present, and future, origin and diaspora.
The Future of Archives conference is intended as a benchmark for further research. It builds on three years of activity, based on the premise that representations based on Jewish archives help shed light on a number of concerns, whether cultural, scientific or political.
The conference will be held in English. All communications will be published in a collection of proceedings.
See the program of the Symposium
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