The musical collection of the synagogue of Neuilly (Paris region, France)

On November 1, 2011, the synagogue of Neuilly deposited to the European Institute of Jewish Music all of its musical archives: more than 370 music scores and archives that have been cleaned, repackaged with professional archive materials, listed and classified.

These documents were stored in an open cabinet and accessible to everyone. They are now digitized, catalogued and available to the public on the RACHEL catalogue.

This work, that had the support of the Foundation for French Judaism, Yuval, the Regional Direction for Cultural Affairs of Paris region, the Alain de Rothschild Institute, the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah, and the Halphen family, completes the work that has been done on the musical archives of the Great Synagogue de la Victoire. It allows an accurate overview on the life of the Jewish community of Neuilly and its engagement in the music from the Consistoire (Ashkenazic ritual) during nearly 140 years.


These archives are now available for consultation on our online catalog (browse the archives from the synagogue of Neuilly) or by taking an appointment with the European Institute of Jewish Music(

See the website of the Synagogue of Neuilly

Look at the description of the conservation mission of the archives from La Victoire and Neuilly’s synagogues


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