Ein Sabbat in Hannover / Hebraïsche Meditation / Die Stimme der Synagoge / Hamburger Synagogalchor / Europaïscher Synagogalchor...
Founded in 1988 by Andor Izsák, the Europaïsches Zentrum für Jüdische Musik (EZJM) [European Center of Jewish Music] is an organization attached to Hanover’s University, of which the goal is document and make live again the Jewish liturgical music that was heard in European synagogues until 1938, in Germany in particular.
Settled in the somptuous Villa Seligmann, the EZJM has a dedicated room for archives (sheet music, audio recordings…), a media library, a recording studio and a concert hall for concerts, exhibitions, conferences and other pedagogical events.
Since 1988, the EZJM published around 10 CD’s, mainly music for choral and organ, two collections of sheet music and four scientific magazines.
Martha Stellmacher, who worked in 2011-2012 for our program of conservation and digitization of synagogue music archives in the Paris region, then went on to work for the Europaïsches Zentrum für Jüdische Musik. She initiated these publication exchanges and the beginning of a promising partnership.