
Yaïa is a nomadic song, where three voices mingle and sing the romantic love of ancient times.
This trio of musicians perform Ladino romances from the Spanish Golden Age, these songs of exile that express themselves in vernacular Judeo-Spanish language.
This repertoire was exposed to the many influences of the countries passed by the Hebrew people in the Mediterranean, from Morocco to Anatolia.

This poetic and musical tradition, often improvised, has been transmitted orally to the present day.
Its theme is essentially love: lullabies, romances…

Yaïa is part of this journey of more than 5 centuries, playing today this music of the heart with an acoustic orchestration resolutely amplified.
A music of feelings, sometimes dark and deep, sometimes light and ethereal
Wild and quirky electric guitar, saturated bass in dark and amber colors, generous choirs and a fine and clear lead voice, close to fado.

Wild frenzies in languorous pulsations, the sound of the trio, steep hilly landscape, embodies the wandering passion of love.

In concert, they overflow with a poignant expressionism, stitched improvisations freely inspired by times formerly, that is how they reinvent themselves constantly.

Ladino music and its Spanish language spoken by the Hebrews of the time tells the story of the Mediterranean diaspora of the Jews. A wind of stateless freedom makes these songs vibrate. They have no fixed land and feed on everyone they meet, regardless of their community or religious affiliation.

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