Hosted by Jean-Gabriel Davis
Every month, Jean-Gabriel Davis leads us in the heart of Yiddishkayt, presenting yesterday’s and today’s artists, events and other cultural information around Yiddish culture.
This month, Yiddish Glik talks about the Festival des Cultures Juives 2016 in Paris, with Vira Lozinsky, Talila, Kroke, but also Ruth Levin and Klunk..
Jean-Gabriel Davis is a musician, singer (especially with the band Klunk), archivist at the EIJM , host of radio programs, and passionate of Yiddish. In 2012, he created and hosted a radio broadcast called “Latkes un Fidlers”, dedicated to klezmer music, Yiddish songs, and everything close to that. That show was broadcasted on a web radio, Radio XP, the radio of the Gare Expérimentale, a Paris non lucrative organisation of alternative and underground cuilture.