Klezmer Attitude: Simchat Torah

KLEZMER ATTITUDE – OCTOBER 1, 2007 – RADIO JUDAICA LYON (RJL) (94.5). Radio program in French

Since 2005, Edmond Ghrenassia hosts every monday the program Klezmer Attitude on Radio Judaïca in Lyon. 30 minutes of klezmer music and Yiddish songs, that sometimes extends to other Jewish music, such as Sephardi, Oriental, religious or profane.

Music broadcasted

  • Brave Old World – The dance
  • Frank London’s Klezmer Brass Allstars – In your Garden Twenty Fecund Fruit Trees
  • Glik – Simchat Torah
  • Itzhak Perlman and the Klezmatics – Simchat Torah Time
  • Andy Statman – Jewish Dance
  • Klezmatics – New York Psycho Freylach

edmond_casque_ok_petit-2.jpgFormed to be engeneer, and teacher in University, Edmond Ghrenassia hosts since 2005 the show Klezmer Attitude on Radio Judaïca Lyon, program created to favor the diffusion of Jewish music. In 2009, he creates the International Festival of Jewish Music of Lyon which takes place in the Espace Hillel, where he programmed over 50 concerts. Amateur musician, he plays in several klezmer bands since 2003 and recorded several CD’s..

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