André Taïeb, Chants séfarades des synagogues du Languedoc


This CD dedicated to André Taïeb is based on Pierre-Luc Ben Soussan’s remarkable collection of songs from the synagogues of Montpellier and the surrounding region.

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This CD dedicated to André Taïeb is based on the remarkable work of Pierre-Luc Ben Soussan, a musician with the Mosaïque Musiques association and founder of the Naguila ensemble, in collecting songs from the synagogues of Montpellier and the surrounding region.

André Taïeb presents fourteen synagogal songs from the Constantine rite, performed a cappella.

Born in 1931 in Constantine, a hotbed of Algerian musical production exemplified in particular by Cheikh Raymond, one of the masters of ma’louf, André Taïeb was trained from an early age in the art of mawwal (a cappella vocal improvisation in a musical mode) and ma’louf. André Taïeb left Algeria in 1962 and settled in Belfort, where he became cantor of the synagogue.

In 1988, he retired to Montpellier, where he officiates at the Mazel Tov synagogue.

Kol mahanot (extract)

Ve-Abraham zaqen (extract)

Hashkivenu (extract)

Naar hayiti (extract)

Shirat hayam (extract)

Kol Nidrei (extract)

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